
Prime Numbers

 "A"s favorite is Numbers . Especially multiplication of numbers. At 8 years he can say any table from 0 - 100.   When I saw abacus kids doing mathematics so fast, I was thinking what special in "A" doing multiplication. Then I realised those kids did the operation on numbers given to them. But if I give a number and ask the factors, they won't be able to do for bigger numbers. Also, wouldn't be able to calculate all the primes from 1 - 1000. This is autism . And I'm in search of all is strengths which can be used for his learning and independent living later in life. There is no race with anyone other than us. We just have to set our goals taking today as base. This is the vidoe writing him prime numbers from 1 - 500.

Turtle matters..

 Yesterday "A" said slow as turtle. Situation: "A" tried climbing a pole nonstop, passionately resulting in scraping off of his foot skin and was not able to wear shoes on top of it. So, what about turtle? "A" spoke in 1 letter, yes! 1 letter when he was 2-year-old. Now at 8 years, he has reached making a small sentence of 3 words and making an analogy of comparing himself to a turtle as he walked slowly with those shoes. Thats I would say incredible !! So, my turtle might be slow. But I'm sure he is going to win the race!

Row Row Row "your" Boat

Yes! that's exactly I am feeling right now. No matter what life gives we should row our boat and reach the bank. There is no stopping in the middle... that would only end in drawing nothing else... and always a feeling of guilt, wish I had rowed a bit more, wish I had just peddled a bit more, wish I had held on to that last straw and pushed myself towards the bank with the boat (boat is symbolically used). So just hang in there and row your boat as slowly as possible. Remember here aim is not to reach first, or on time, but to reaching itself is the goal. Time doesn’t count. No racing!! Full stop. “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” . – C. S. Lewis Yes, true as it sounds. Just start where you are, keep a goal and again “ROW YoUR BoAT”